Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Isabelle and I decided to do her Christmas photo shoot yesterday. It was hard to get a 10 month old to sit still long enough to take some pictures...but I think we got a few good ones. Here are a few we will share with you.



Playing Catch Up

Here are a few random pictures of Isabelle form the past month or so. Seeing that it has been a while since new pictures have been put up :)



crazy haired girl

practicing good oral hygiene

pulled herself up to standing...she was very proud

big smiles!

enjoying her cheerios

enjoying a dinner out

Just Playing Around

When Isabelle and I were visiting family for a few days we decided to go to an indoor playground. Isabelle had a ton of fun playing around with Auntie Manda, Grampy and Mommy :)

Here are a few pics from that day!



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh what a month!

Well I would love to say that November was just a slow month and that is why you didn't hear from us. I can't believe I only had one post last month, and no pictures. I am afraid to say that this post will not have any pictures, but I will put some up soon.

Isabelle had her 9 month check up on November 9th. She had only gained a couple of ounces according to the family doctor's scale (it isn't always the same scale). The family doctor was concerned about her weight gain and about a possible dairy allergy so he referred us back to her pediatrician. According to her pediatrician's chart Isabelle had not gained any weight in 5 months, which for a child under a year old is not normal. She was sent for several blood tests as well as a sweat test for cystic fibrosis. It was one of the most stressful times ever. I was devastated that there could possibly be something wrong with my perfect baby. Luckily all her tests came back negative and now we are being referred to a dietitian, who we see tomorrow. I feel bad...I feel like this could have been something I could have prevented. You try your hardest to take care of them, give them the best by breastfeeding, even though you are exhausted, sick and pregnant, give them the best foods possible, and lots of love, but at the end of the day it wasn't enough. I know now she is not getting enough from me, but I know that is because i haven't been taking good enough care of myself. I am have not been drinking enough liquids, nor eating a well rounded diet. I know I shouldn't blame myself, but that is hard to do when you are the one supplying the food. I have been trying to supplement with formula, but I have only been able to add it to her cereal in the morning, because she hates the taste of it (but I don't blame her really, it smells gross!). I also know that me being pregnant again, does not help matters, seeing that I am so tired all the time. Anyway I am hoping tomorrow will bring some good diet tips, so we can turn things around.

My grandmother also passed away last Wednesday. It was unexpected, as she was not terminally ill or anything, even though she wasn't in the greatest health. It has been a hard long week and I am looking forward to going back home.

Sorry to all for being away for so long. I hope to post soon with some news pictures!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nine Wonderful Months...

Well I am this will just be a post with words no pictures. Michael is out at basketball and Isabelle is sound asleep. The house is quiet.

Isabelle turned nine months today...I can't believe it. So much has changed in the last nine months. We welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world, someone who I love so much more everyday. I am in awe every time I look at her...she is perfect. I watch her play on her own more and more, she is so independent. It is amazing to see the world through her eyes and see how everyday she discovers something new to see or do. I am so glad she is part of our world, she brings so much to each and every day and I hope she realizes how much she was wanted and is loved.

She has started to gracefully get down from standing on her own. She ever so gently bends down, and then plops onto her bottom, it was hard to believe she got it on the first try. Her third tooth finally started poking through the gum today (and this nursing Mama is nervous...yikes!). Her personality is developing even more everyday and she is absolutely hilarious and silly. She has developed this fake laugh routine where she will look at you and start to do her pretend laugh and close her is quite the sight. Isabelle also has a great love for the dog and the cat, she has a melodic voice every time she talks to the animals; maybe she is aspiring to be like the old classic Disney princesses.

She is a wonderful baby...I am hoping this has a lot to do with our parenting, although I am sure most of it is just her, however, I am hoping it has more to do with the parenting, because then it puts my mind at ease about having another :)

Happy nine months dear beautiful Isabelle!!

Love Mommy :)

Goodnight all!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Smelly Feet and Some Treats...

Well Isabelle and I went to visit our friends Lisa and Mallory yesterday and it was a fun visit as always.

We thought it would be cute to get the girls together and put them in their Halloween costumes and take some pictures. The costumes were great and the girls were adorable!

Here is a Halloween sneak peek! :)



Best Baby Friends

I think Isabelle had one too many, and Mallory is still feeling good ;)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Welcome :)

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to MY blog...that's right one just for ME!! :)

I know I am jealous of the babies and wanted my own so I could write all about me...well not quite...maybe. I decided to start my own blog to post random thoughts, ideas, articles, links, etc. that I have found helpful. One day you may come on here and I will share a great recipe that I just tried the next it could be a link to an interesting article that I read, another day there could be some pictures of a craft that I just made. I love going to other people's blogs and seeing the ideas and research that they provide their readers; some blogs out there have saved me a lot of searching. I thought I would try and do the same, but with my own twist on things.

I am sure all of you are wondering "What in the world is up with the title of your blog??!!". Well there is a back story to it that I will share with you all. Whenever Michael and I would go to a local paint your own pottery cafe we would always paint a little heart on the back or bottom of our pieces, it was our signature. Those little hearts became to be known as love on the bum. It has been a name that has stuck and I thought it would be suitable and fun for a blog about nothing in particular. So that is the name and that is what it means :)

So for my first blog post I thought I would share a great site...or blog I should say... that has some really great fonts. If you found yourself admiring the font on the banner on my blog I found it on the blog. They have a ton of free fonts there, you can download one or download them all (I chose the later, because there are some really great ones). Here is the link to the fonts:

Happy fonting! :)



Monday, October 26, 2009

Splish Splash...

We bought a "new to us" tub ring for Isabelle this past weekend through kijiji. I guess they do not sell them in stores anymore, because some parents think that it is okay to leave their babies unattended in the bathtub...another rant for another day. Anyway we took some cute pictures of her in the big tub all by herself. She is definitely growing up and changing everyday.

We also discovered late last week that Isabelle is either no longer or was not allergic to milk. We gave her some whole milk to try on Friday and she did not have a reaction to it. I went ahead and bought her some vanilla yogurt and she loved it.

I wanted to let everyone know that we have created a new blog called Baby Makes 4 (see button in sidebar, the URL is, babymakes4 for the URL was already taken. It will be changed once baby comes and we know its name). I decided to start a separate blog for the new baby, so each one would feel special. I wish I had thought of this idea when I was pregnant with Isabelle, it would be great to remember some of the things I experienced and to remember some of the stats. Although every time I went to the doctor when I was pregnant with her, her heartrate was 160, which makes me wonder if he was actually timing it... :) Anyway feel free to add it to your favourites! ;)

Here are a few pictures of Isabelle over the last few days.



Isabelle eating yogurt

Isabelle in her new bath ring

Another Baby is on the Way!

Welcome everyone to Baby Makes 4! Michael, Isabelle and I are excited to announce that our family will be growing next June! We found out on October 16th, through a positive home pregnancy test, that I am expecting again.

I am a bit nervous, seeing that Isabelle is only 8 months old (she will be about 16 months when baby comes), but I am sure it will be great to have two children so close in age.

I decided to start this blog early, so we could record the pregnancy some. The blog won't be updated as frequently as Isabelle's but I thought it would be a great way to keep track of how things are going :) So far I have been feeling great, a bit tired, but that is to be expected and I can't complain.

My first appointment is on November 9th. So check back then for an update!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Picture Time...

I finally bought a new card reader the other day, so I thought our readers would like to see a few pictures of Isabelle from over the last couple of weeks.

Isabelle is still doing well. She decided to bring out the Nana the other night. Here's hoping that Mom is right around the corner! She loves playing with her toys and cuddling with her Mom and Dad.

Well here are some pictures for you :)



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Moving on up...

I was able to get a video of Isabelle pulling herself up to standing today. I can't believe she is able to do this now all on her own. Pretty soon she will be walking around on her own.



Monday, October 19, 2009

My Apologies...

Well it has been a few weeks since my last post. I have been wanting to write and post pictures, but my card reader broke, so I haven't bee able to upload any new pictures of Isabelle. However, I did come across pictures from Mike's birthday (Oct. 1) that I had managed to put on my laptop before the reader decided to quit. And as many of you know it has been a crazy few days for us ;)

Anyway...Isabelle has been up to many new things lately. She finally has gotten back to saying da-da again (still hasn't brought back out the mom-moms again though). She pulled herself up to standing yesterday...that was a crazy sight! :) She has been trying lots of new foods and red peppers, beans, salsa, speghetti and she loves them all.

She has been sleeping about 13 hours a night, which is absolutely wonderful (especially for this tired Mama). She normally goes down at about 7pm and will sleep until 8:30am. She has been cranky over the last few days, but I think she may be teething again, only time will tell on that one though.

Well here are a few pictures from Michael's birthday weekend. I am hoping to get a new card reader tonight :)



Monday, September 28, 2009

Pop Star in the Making??

Mike and I have been working with Isabelle to have her help us sing Baa-Baa Black Sheep. She has it down pat now, but is shy to sing in front of an audience that isn't just Mommy and Daddy. So I brought out the video camera today and captured this rare moment, so that people would believe that she can really do it. Enjoy!

PS - Please do not mind my :)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Buzzy Bee and Other Things

Well Isabelle has pretty much mastered being able to sit on her own now. We bought a new toy for her the other day that encourages her to sit to play with it; it will also turn into a walker type toy. In other exciting news, Isabelle stood up on her own today. She was holding onto the toy and standing all by herself. Mike was close by to be sure she didn't hurt herself when she toppled over. Here are a few pics from today.



Isabelle standing on her own:

Isabelle playing with her new toy and sitting on her own:

Isabelle riding her bee:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where has the time gone...7 Months

Well Isabelle turned seven months old yesterday. The last month has gone by way too quickly. Everyone always tells you to enjoy this time, because it goes by way too is very true. I am amazed everyday now by this little being that once was so dependent on me to get around and now she is starting to crawl up a storm and also beginning to feed herself (some cheerios).

She is such a beautiful little baby, with such a fantastic personality. I know I gush often, but I can't help it sometimes. I am just so lucky! We have been through so much over the last few years, but Isabelle makes up for it all. Whenever I see that smile of her's I can't believe that I actually helped create is a wonderful feeling!

Here are a few pictures of Isabelle from the last week or so...Enjoy!


Smilely baby! :) :

Cheerio anyone?:
(Koda came over and ate

Future member of KISS?? :

Working hard...trying to eat those Cheerios:

Picking out her favourite section of the paper:

Taking a nap at Nana's house:

Isabelle showing off her new hat and shirt:

Friday, September 4, 2009

New Modes of Transportation

Well Isabelle has discovered her favourite vehicle, it is the 1982 Daddy (MJP model). She has been cruising around the house on Mike's shoulders and loving every second of it. She gets the biggest smiles everytime she is up there, it just melts my heart. Here are some pics of Isabelle riding along with her Daddy :)



Monday, August 24, 2009

Buy me a Pony...or at least the tail??

Well a lot has been going on lately. Izzy was sick with her first cold and was also teething at the same time. So that was lots of fun :). We took Isabelle to her six month appointment today and she is 15 lbs 8 oz, so she has gained 1 lb over two months. The doctor told us to avoid dairy until nine months after a run in we had with some ice cream. So we will try whole milk then and see what happens, if she still has a reaction then we will need to take her for an allergy test. The doctor said though that her reaction to the ice cream could have also been to an additive, so here's hoping...can't imagine a life without real ice cream.

Isabelle has been moving around like crazy too. We put her down on the floor and she is off to the races, pulling herself around. Her two bottom have come in; it is too cute to see her smile. Another great milestone, is that she now officially sleep through the night (12-13 hours) in her own room in her crib. It actually didn't take too long. We ended up doing the cry it out method, because going in to soothe her was not working. So just after two short nights she would fall asleep all on her own with just the smallest peeps. Isabelle also spent lots of time in the water when we were away at the cottage. She absolutely loved it. She would splash, talk and keep her feet; it was quite a sight to see.

Well that is all the updates I can think of for now...oh right I gave Isabelle her first pony tail today, it was pretty cute. There are some pictures below of some of the recent things



Isabelle with her first pony tail:
(Disclaimer...Michael picked this picture, there were ones with
her smiling, but he liked her expression in this one)

Isabelle hanging out with Koda:

Isabelle lounging on the beach:
( new favourite picture)

Isabelle after her supper of peas and squash at the lake:

Isabelle and her first two teeth:

Isabelle playing with Mallory:

Isabelle with her first cold:

Isabelle taking a dip at the lake: