Monday, August 24, 2009

Buy me a Pony...or at least the tail??

Well a lot has been going on lately. Izzy was sick with her first cold and was also teething at the same time. So that was lots of fun :). We took Isabelle to her six month appointment today and she is 15 lbs 8 oz, so she has gained 1 lb over two months. The doctor told us to avoid dairy until nine months after a run in we had with some ice cream. So we will try whole milk then and see what happens, if she still has a reaction then we will need to take her for an allergy test. The doctor said though that her reaction to the ice cream could have also been to an additive, so here's hoping...can't imagine a life without real ice cream.

Isabelle has been moving around like crazy too. We put her down on the floor and she is off to the races, pulling herself around. Her two bottom have come in; it is too cute to see her smile. Another great milestone, is that she now officially sleep through the night (12-13 hours) in her own room in her crib. It actually didn't take too long. We ended up doing the cry it out method, because going in to soothe her was not working. So just after two short nights she would fall asleep all on her own with just the smallest peeps. Isabelle also spent lots of time in the water when we were away at the cottage. She absolutely loved it. She would splash, talk and keep her feet; it was quite a sight to see.

Well that is all the updates I can think of for now...oh right I gave Isabelle her first pony tail today, it was pretty cute. There are some pictures below of some of the recent things



Isabelle with her first pony tail:
(Disclaimer...Michael picked this picture, there were ones with
her smiling, but he liked her expression in this one)

Isabelle hanging out with Koda:

Isabelle lounging on the beach:
( new favourite picture)

Isabelle after her supper of peas and squash at the lake:

Isabelle and her first two teeth:

Isabelle playing with Mallory:

Isabelle with her first cold:

Isabelle taking a dip at the lake:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hair Raising

I just had to post the following sequence of photos. Last time we were in Saint John we put Izzy in the jolly jumper at Nana & Papa's house. Mike went picture happy and took some pictures of Haley and Isabelle playing...kind of :) Haley's were seriously hurt ;)



Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just Playing Around!

Don't worry you aren't seeing things. This is a second post in one day!

I bought Isabelle a play mat yesterday, so she would have something soft to play on and to crawl around on when she is on the floor. I thought I would put some pictures of her playing up on the blog :)



Do you want a "peace" of me?!

Well Mike's family fun day was this past weekend. There was lots of family (I think 47 people at last count) and lots of fun. Isabelle just rolled and scooted around on the floor the whole time playing with toys. She was such a great baby! She was sick and teething, but she was still all smiles and would be held by anyone that wanted to see her :)

Here is a picture of her with her cousin Liz, in their matching outfits! :) Enjoy!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 6 Months Isabelle!

Six Months!! Wow! It is hard to believe that she has only been here for that long, it is hard to think of our life without her. She has brought so much into our lives. She has taught me how to be more patient and loving and to realize what is most important in life. It can't believe that a little person can make you learn so much in such a short amount of time.

She has been growing and changing like crazy lately. She is such a pleasant baby, full of smiles and giggles. Even when she is sick and teething, she has a smile on her face. Her personality reminds me so much of Michael's, very patient and laid back (thank goodness :D ). This weekend we saw a baby that was the same size as Isabelle when she was born and it was hard to believe that she was that little, just six short months ago. It makes me want to take in every minute of every day with her, because I know she won't stay small forever. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to stay home with her for more then a year, it will be worth it :)

Another great milestone for us (especially me) to celebrate is that I have been nursing Isabelle for six months strong now. I honestly never thought that I would have it in me to nurse. My original plan was to nurse for a month, but now it is six months later. Our plan now is to continue for the year and to see where that leads us. I know many people will think I am crazy, but hey, if I can do it then why not I guess. I know this may seem strange to many of my readers to celebrate, but for those Mamas who have nursed, they know how hard it is in the beginning to do and to stick with it. I did originally give up, so I guess that is my main reason for being so happy that I am still doing it.

Well here is one picture from today of our Isabelle :) I will have to post some others soon!



Monday, August 3, 2009

Izzy Izzy bo "busy"

Well it has been awhile (again, I know), but it has been a couple of busy weeks. We were taking care of Amanda, who has been sick, then I have been sick and now just starting to feel better.

Isabelle has been up to a lot lately. She took another growth spurt, she has been rolling and scooting around like crazy. She has also started to sit up some (for a few seconds on her own). She also had her first pool experience. She didn't really like it at first, but she got used to it pretty quickly.

Isabelle also has her first tooth poking through :) I was letting her gnaw on my finger today and I could feel something a little sharp, so I took a peek and sure enough there is a little white tooth, just starting to poke through the gum. Hopefully I can get a picture of it sometime over the next few days.

Well here are a couple of pics of what Isabelle has been up to lately. Enjoy!