Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy First Birthday Isabelle

Today was Isabelle's first birthday. It seems crazy that it has been that long! I can still remember, quite vividly, seeing her for the first time at the hospital and having her grab my finger as they took her into the ICU. She has grown from a bump on a log into a little person with a personality and her own way of doing things. When I look at her now it is almost impossible to see that little girl in her, she is growing up and it is an amazing thing.

For her birthday, the real one anyway, things were pretty low key. We woke up this morning and she went through her regular routine of eating some cheerios and hanging out with Amie, and I today as I took the day off work, in bed. We then went out to Cora's for lunch after her nap. Isabelle, for the first time at a restaurant, had her own meal. She had some french toast, with a side of fruit. Although it was more like the other way around! She ate all the fruit and left some of the french toast behind. After that we went to the library and read a few books and played for a while. She was getting sleepy but we had to go visit the doctor to find out about her little sister. Things were all good there and we came home. Although Isabelle was tired she wouldn't go to sleep so we ended up just playing for a while before going to see a new house. After that she had some quality time with just Mom at the mall before coming to watch the end of my basketball game. Overall it was a great day!

There are many things that Isabelle has done over the past year that I will remember, but things that I will remember about today will be the laughs that we had together at the library, her giving kisses(a new and very welcome talent!), and finally putting an offer in on a new house! Seems kind of crazy that so much can happen in a day.

For a year Isabelle has been a part of our lives and it has been a fantastic thing! I can't think of a better way I would have wanted to spend it.

Overdue, but long enough to make up for it(hopefully anyway)