Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Long Time Coming

I know it has been over a week since our last post, but we have had a lot going on. We traveled home for a wedding and then we had to go to Nova Scotia to visit my sister who is sick in the hospital.

In the last week Isabelle has started to show signs of teething (yikes), she has had her first taste of "real" food and she has become a real pro at rolling over. She is still as cute as ever.

Here are a few pics from the past week. Enjoy!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Do you Hear what I Hear??!!

Izzy said her first word today, over and over!! It was not the usual Dada either!! It was Mom, Mom, Mom!! She was playing in her jumperoo and just out of no where she just started saying it over and over!! I am actually quite surprised, because I usually say Dada to her during the day :)

Here is the video!! Enjoy! :)


Friday, July 10, 2009

Roll on Over!

So this is just a quick post to say that I finally caught Izzy rolling over from her belly to her back :) We almost got her rolling back over, but she couldn't quite get there.

Here she is! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 5 Month Birthday!

Well Isabelle turned five months old today. It is so hard to believe that she has been here for almost half a year!! Time has been going by so fast, too fast even. Somtimes I feel like I have had barely anytime to take all of this in.

She has grown and changed so much in five months, she has gone from a little thing that slept all the time and didn't interact at all, to this bundle of radiant happiness who just lights up a room and your heart with her smile and personality. I rocked here tonight for the first time a while now and I couldn't believe the difference in the size of her. She didn't fit quite the same way in my arms, it made me sad that she is growing so fast, and I realized that she won't be a baby forever. I never thought I could love someone who I have known for only a blink of an eye so much. Mike and I are so blessed to have her in our lives.

One of my favourite things that she has started doing recently is reaching out for our faces, it is amazing to have this little hand that you helped to make reach out and want to touch your face and pull on your nose... :).

I thought I would share a few pictures of Isabelle that we have taken over the last week. The first picture is when we first brought her home, so you can see the difference.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You're so Vain....You probably think this Blog is about you! : )

Well it has been a few days since we have put up a new post, we had a busy weekend.

Izzy is still as cute as ever :) She has been just full of smiles. Izzy and I went to the movies today and she did so well (she usually does, but she will get fussy towards the end). But today there wasn't a peep from her during the entire show and it was 2 hours long!! We have such a great baby.

Well to go along with the title of today's blog, are a couple of pictures of Isabelle staring at herself in the mirror that is a toy on her seat. Enjoy!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Night : ) zzzzz

I didn't want to skip a day (only have missed one so far). So we are off to bed...Izzy is already there, sound asleep.

Good Night!! Sleep Tight!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rubber Ducky

Well Izzy was bored this morning so she decided to send a message out to all of her followers (see previous post), I don't know what I am going to do with her ;).

Isabelle rolled over some more today, she went from her belly to her back today on her own for the first time!! Now she can roll both ways. I will have to get her practicing some more, and hopefully I can get a video of it up soon.

It is so wonderful (but a little sad) to see her change so much in such a short amount of time. Everyday she changes so much in her coordination and personality. She is such a great baby, and I am afraid she has spoiled us. :) I can't even say how much I love her, she makes my heart melt.

Below are a couple of pictures from tonight. It was a bath night and we gave her a rubber ducky to play with for the first time and she chewed on it (of course).

Good night all!!


A word from our Izzy

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PS - Happy Canada Day!

