Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nine Wonderful Months...

Well I am this will just be a post with words no pictures. Michael is out at basketball and Isabelle is sound asleep. The house is quiet.

Isabelle turned nine months today...I can't believe it. So much has changed in the last nine months. We welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world, someone who I love so much more everyday. I am in awe every time I look at her...she is perfect. I watch her play on her own more and more, she is so independent. It is amazing to see the world through her eyes and see how everyday she discovers something new to see or do. I am so glad she is part of our world, she brings so much to each and every day and I hope she realizes how much she was wanted and is loved.

She has started to gracefully get down from standing on her own. She ever so gently bends down, and then plops onto her bottom, it was hard to believe she got it on the first try. Her third tooth finally started poking through the gum today (and this nursing Mama is nervous...yikes!). Her personality is developing even more everyday and she is absolutely hilarious and silly. She has developed this fake laugh routine where she will look at you and start to do her pretend laugh and close her is quite the sight. Isabelle also has a great love for the dog and the cat, she has a melodic voice every time she talks to the animals; maybe she is aspiring to be like the old classic Disney princesses.

She is a wonderful baby...I am hoping this has a lot to do with our parenting, although I am sure most of it is just her, however, I am hoping it has more to do with the parenting, because then it puts my mind at ease about having another :)

Happy nine months dear beautiful Isabelle!!

Love Mommy :)

Goodnight all!