Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Isabelle and I decided to do her Christmas photo shoot yesterday. It was hard to get a 10 month old to sit still long enough to take some pictures...but I think we got a few good ones. Here are a few we will share with you.



Playing Catch Up

Here are a few random pictures of Isabelle form the past month or so. Seeing that it has been a while since new pictures have been put up :)



crazy haired girl

practicing good oral hygiene

pulled herself up to standing...she was very proud

big smiles!

enjoying her cheerios

enjoying a dinner out

Just Playing Around

When Isabelle and I were visiting family for a few days we decided to go to an indoor playground. Isabelle had a ton of fun playing around with Auntie Manda, Grampy and Mommy :)

Here are a few pics from that day!



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh what a month!

Well I would love to say that November was just a slow month and that is why you didn't hear from us. I can't believe I only had one post last month, and no pictures. I am afraid to say that this post will not have any pictures, but I will put some up soon.

Isabelle had her 9 month check up on November 9th. She had only gained a couple of ounces according to the family doctor's scale (it isn't always the same scale). The family doctor was concerned about her weight gain and about a possible dairy allergy so he referred us back to her pediatrician. According to her pediatrician's chart Isabelle had not gained any weight in 5 months, which for a child under a year old is not normal. She was sent for several blood tests as well as a sweat test for cystic fibrosis. It was one of the most stressful times ever. I was devastated that there could possibly be something wrong with my perfect baby. Luckily all her tests came back negative and now we are being referred to a dietitian, who we see tomorrow. I feel bad...I feel like this could have been something I could have prevented. You try your hardest to take care of them, give them the best by breastfeeding, even though you are exhausted, sick and pregnant, give them the best foods possible, and lots of love, but at the end of the day it wasn't enough. I know now she is not getting enough from me, but I know that is because i haven't been taking good enough care of myself. I am have not been drinking enough liquids, nor eating a well rounded diet. I know I shouldn't blame myself, but that is hard to do when you are the one supplying the food. I have been trying to supplement with formula, but I have only been able to add it to her cereal in the morning, because she hates the taste of it (but I don't blame her really, it smells gross!). I also know that me being pregnant again, does not help matters, seeing that I am so tired all the time. Anyway I am hoping tomorrow will bring some good diet tips, so we can turn things around.

My grandmother also passed away last Wednesday. It was unexpected, as she was not terminally ill or anything, even though she wasn't in the greatest health. It has been a hard long week and I am looking forward to going back home.

Sorry to all for being away for so long. I hope to post soon with some news pictures!
