Sunday, May 16, 2010

Playing catch up

Wow...I had no idea as to how long it had been since I last made a post on here...almost two months...oops.

Isabelle has been up to her usual antics...being super cute! This past week she has started to stand some on her own, which is very exciting, seeing that she is now 15 months. She loves "talking" up a storm and reading her books. Isabelle has also taken a recent liking to my DS...not sure if it is a habit I should support or not though (following in her father's footsteps I think). She is becoming more aware of different words and associating them with things...Dada is of course Mike...pup-pup for Koda...a kitty type noise for Nala...she will sometimes say the full word for banana, but usually it is nana, which is the word she seems to associate with all foods and drinks. She can say mama/mom, but she has yet to associate a word with me, I think mainly because she is home all day and when Mike comes home we say Daddy is home.

It is strange to have a new baby coming though in less then 5 weeks now, and not being able to really talk much about it with her (seeing that she doesn't understand what is happening). I do point to my belly and say that there is a baby in there and she will come over and pull my shirt up and kiss my belly button and then sometimes she will show me her belly after. It will be interesting to see how she will be with the baby, she is so loving with all her dolls that I think she will just want to kiss it all day.

I figured I should put up a few recent pics, as well as some videos that we have taken of her, so everyone can see all the new and fun things she has been up to :)



Isabelle with pig tails

Isabelle with Mommy and baby belly

Isabelle giving "the look"

What colour to choose?

Giving her glow worm kisses

"Playing" with Mommy's DS

Colouring with Daddy

Head Banger

Too hungry!